Party Chief calls for implementation of congress resolution

Ha Noi, July 31 (VNA ) -- Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, on Monday, called on leading officials to uphold the active revolutionary spirit and bring into full play the strength of the all-people unity block in order to get Viet Nam out of the state of underdevelopment and become a basically-industrialized nation by 2020 as set forth by the ninth national CPV congress.

He also urged them to fully understand the present international situation and Viet Nam's position so as to actively grasp opportunities, and strive to push back any danger and overcome any challenge to take the country forward.

Mr. Manh made the remarks while addressing 652 key leading officials studying the resolution of the ninth national CPV congress at the Ho Chi Minh National Political Institute in Ha Noi.

"As key leading officials of our political system, we should be deeply aware of the ninth congress's historical position and its political stature as well as the tasks set by the congress so as to build firm confidence in the Party and intensify our determination to lead the people in making the implementation of the congress's resolution a success, Mr.Manh emphasized.

He also pointed to the need to continue accelerating the struggle against corruption in the State apparatus and the entire political system as well as at all levels and branches, from the central to the grassroots levels, considering it as a regular and important task in the Party and State building.

"Concerted efforts must be made in fighting corruption, bureaucracy, wasteful spending, smuggling, and particularly any abuse of political ranks and administrative positions for illegal wealth acquisition," the Party chief stressed.

"It is a must to get rid of all causes of corruption," he said, adding "The root cause of corruption comes from Party members and government officials themselves".

"The most important thing for an effective struggle against corruption is examples of good acts shown by leading officials and their families as well as the dertermination and courage to fight corruption," Mr.Manh told the participants.

He further asked for the renewal of methods to study the Party resolutions, saying that studying Party resolutions should not be separated from discussing and building plans of action by all ministries, agencies and localities at all levels.--VNA