Opening Statement by FM Nguyen Dy Nien at ARF press conference

The press conference after the 8th ARF Meeting
(Hanoi, 17h30' Wednesday 25 July 2001)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

The 8th ASEAN Regional Forum has just ended a few minutes ago. We have conducted our deliberations in an open and frank atmosphere. I am happy to inform you that all the delegations have come to the Meeting with a high sense of responsibility, excellent constructiveness and cooperation. In reviewing one year of our activity from the 7th to the 8th Asean Regional Forum, we agreed that the ARF process has made important progress and is now focusing on more substantive issues.

We have noted with satisfaction positive signals for peace and stability in the relationship among the major powers and such sensitive places as the Korean Peninsula, the South China Sea, Indonesia and the South Pacific. These progresses have further asserted the important role of the ARF in promoting dialogue between ASEAN and extra-regional countries on regional political and security cooperation issues, transnational issues as well as other security-related matters.

The ARF Members Countries have discussed and reviewed issues regarding peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region and the world. Among such issues were the important role of the major powers on peace and stability, the Korean Peninsula, the situation in Indonesia, East Timor, developments in the Middle East, and Africa. While these approaches are different, the common denominator of such approaches is still peace and development. These are not only their wishes but also the most urgent and critical demand for every country and region.

In reviewing activities of the past year, the Ministers have shared the view that the ARF process has produced some practical results. The Ministers have agreed that confidence-building should continue to be the main thrust of the whole ARF process. In this overlapping stage to preventive diplomacy, we should undertake some overlapping measures. The Papers which have been adopted at the 8th ARF Meeting, namely the Paper on Enhanced Role of ARF Chair, the Paper on the ARF Expert/Eminent Persons Register, the Paper on the Concept and Principles of Preventive Diplomacy, on the one hand, have indicated the ARF's concrete and significant achievements, and on the other, created favourable premisses for the ARF process to become more active and effective. The 8th ARF Meeting has also once again reaffirmed that the ARF process is not only given an important mandate but also capable of making considerable contributions to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region.

We have also agreed that there remain many other issues within the ARF framework that Member Countries would continue to further discuss and consult with one another with a view to achieving early consensus so that these issues would not impede the ARF process. At the same time, it is essential to uphold the principle that the ARF process should progress at a space comfortable to all Member Countries and that it should follow the directions and operation methods agreed upon by all Members Countries.

With valuable support and cooperation of other Member Countries, Vietnam has accomplished its ARF Chairmanship in the year 2000 - 2001 and made positive contributions to moving the ARF forward. The ARF Chair has now been turned over to His Royal Highness Mohammed Bolkiah, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brunei Darussalam. However, Vietnam remains committed to active participation in the ARF's activities which have become increasingly comprehensive, diverse, effective and practical.

Thank you. Now I'm ready for your questions.