PM Phan Van Khai addresses National Assembly

Ha Noi, June 18 (VNA) -- PM Phan Van Khai delivered a speech at the National Assembly this afternoon, June 18, on a number of socio-economic issues of concern to NA deputies and voters.

First of all, Khai affirmed that sales of farm produce has been the primary concern of people, agencies, and sectors over the recent past. Under the timely instruction of the Government, which discussed the issue at almost all working sessions since the end of 2000, the consumption of farm produce has shown optimistic signs. However, basic measures are much needed to bring about sustainable benefits to farmers - a main part of Viet Nam's population, who are facing numerous difficulties in life.

The PM put stress on two basic measures: first, carrying out fast, simultaneous, and practical restructuring of agriculture in addition to effective support in the supply of strains, capital, and techniques for farmers; and second, encouraging those businesses which are directly involved in agricultural production and dissolving of those which work as intermediaries and cause losses to farmers. Agricultural production, he said, has to be organised on the basis of concrete contracts which cover production as well as sales and are directly signed with farmers.

On the import and assembly of motorbikes, the PM said that the Government advocates building Viet Nam's motorbike industry in the next few years with a gradual increasing rate of localisation. Although Viet Nam had an engineering industry during the years of war, the industry has not been developed in recent years, and, as a result, the country has to import many engineering products. He admitted that the Government had made a mistake in removing quotas from the import of motorbike parts, leading to massive imports in the recent past, and causing difficulties to the local industry.

The PM said that banking reform is one of the key issues in the Government's macro-direction, and that it is now necessary to create favourable conditions for the population and businesses to get loans for production. He, therefore, asked the banking sector to improve the quality of their operation and diversify the forms of lending so that all feasible projects could be granted loans.

PM Khai also asked relevant agencies to exercise stricter control of labour export. He said that recently labour exporters had operated freely without strict control by relevant agencies, thus causing damage to both the State and workers while losing credibility from potential labour markets.

The PM urged labour exporters to ensure that would-be guest workers are trained in the occupations and languages of the countries they will go to. He said they should also pay attention to the export of specialists and highly-skilled workers.

On the direction of economic operations in the remaining months of this year, PM Khai stressed that it is necessary to take effective measures to boost production and services while paying special attention to expanding markets for export and making long-term investment in occupying markets. He also drew the sectors and localities' attention to making in-depth investment in highland areas.--VNA