Pakistani leader arrives for official visit to Vietnam

Ha Noi, May 3 (VNA) -- Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Gen. Pervez Musharraf arrived in Ha Noi today, May 3, beginning a three-day official friendship visit to Viet Nam.

The Pakistani leader and his wife and entourage were welcomed at a grand ceremony held at the Presidential Palace in the presence of Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and his wife and other senior Government officials.

The military band struck up the national anthems of the two countries.

Gen. Musharraf and PM Phan Van Khai reviewed the guard of honour of the Viet Nam People's Army.

Speaking at a reception, PM Khai welcomed the Viet Nam visit by Gen. Musharraf, his wife and entourage, which, he said, would contribute to developing the relations between the two countries, especially in the economic area.

The visiting Pakistani leader thanked PM Khai and the Vietnamese Government for the hospitality given to him and his entourage. He said that he himself and the Pakistani people have always admired the Vietnamese people's brave struggle against colonialist and imperialist aggression as well as their achievements in economic reform.--VNA