FM reafirms Vietnam's open - door foreign policy

Ha Noi, Apr. 20 (VNA) -- Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien reaffirmed Viet Nam's open-door foreign policy at a press briefing on Viet Nam's Foreign Policy and International Integration held on the sidelines of the ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, CPV, in Ha Noi on April 20.

Mr. Nien told the briefing Viet Nam will unceasingly expand its comprehensive relations, bilaterally and multilaterally, with other countries, territories, international political and economic centres, and international and regional organisations in the spirit of "Viet Nam wishing to befriend and be a trustful partner of other countries in the international community, striving for peace, independence and development."

The FM pointed out that Viet Nam's current foreign policy is an inheritance and development of foreign policies of the previous periods, particularly those exercised during the course of carrying out national renovation. It reflects the continuity and consistence of the whole political system of the Communist Party and State of Viet Nam.

Mr. Nien went on to say that Viet Nam will actively take part in and make positive contributions to resolve global issues, maintain peace and repulse the danger of war and armed race.

Making steady steps forward on the path of international integration, a major policy of the Communist Party and Government of Viet Nam, has been carried out in recent years with important results, Mr.Nien said.

He pledged Viet Nam will bring into full play its role, expand relations and gradually raise the efficiency and quality of cooperation with other member countries of regional and international organizations and forums, of which Viet Nam is a member, including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Asia-Europe Meeting, and movements of developing nations such as the Non-aligned Movement and the South-South Cooperation programme.

On the Party's external activities, Minister Nien said that these activities would be promoted to consolidate and expand unity and cooperation with other communist, workers' , left-wing parties, national liberation and independence movements, and revolutionary and progressive movements in the world, continue expanding relations with other ruling parties and political parties. Efforts will also be made to closely coordinate the State's diplomatic activities with the Party's and the people's external activities.

He stressed that the focal task of foreign affairs is to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of external activities in service of socio-economic development, contributing to the nation's industrialization and modernization process and integration into the world.

He answered many questions on issues relating to the East Sea, top priorities that Viet Nam will present at the coming APEC forum, MIA, Agent Orange, and Viet Nam-China relations.

To APEC, Mr. Nien said that Viet Nam will propose measures to narrow the gap between developed and developing countries, with attention paid to helping countries in the Mekong sub-region and the East-West corridor. APEC developed countries have pledged to assist developing countries in the region in information technology.

Mr. Nien also called upon US scientists to continue conducting research on Agent Orange issue in Viet Nam and give more humanitarian assistance to its victims.

Following is Opening Remarks by Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Dy Nien at the Press Conference "Foreign Policy of the State and International Economic Integration"
9h00, 20 April 2001

Foreign and Local Correspondents,
Dear friends,

The IXth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam has reaffirmed its foreign policy of independence, openness, diversification and multilateralization of external relations. Entering the 21st century and continuing with that policy, Vietnam advocates to further deepen and broaden its ties while actively integrating itself into the international economy.

This foreign policy is the inheritance and development of the previous ones, especially since the launch of the renewal process, which represents the continuity and consistence of the whole policies pursued by the Party and State of Vietnam. That policy proceeds from the development achievements that Vietnam has recorded, aims to fulfil the country's objectives set by the Party Congresses and fits profound and fast changes in the region and the world as well. Over many years, that policy has proved to be correct and appropriate and brought about numerous achievements in our external relations, thus making a worthy contribution to the successful implementation of the renewal process along with the country's industrialization and modernization.

In pursuit of that policy, Vietnam will continue to expand its multi-sided relations, both bilaterally and within the multilateral framework, with other countries and territories, major political and economic centers, international and regional organizations along the line " Vietnam wishes to be a friend and reliable partner of all countries in the international community, striving for peace, independence and development".

Vietnam will actively participate in and contribute to the settlement of global issues, safeguarding peace and opposing the danger of wars and arm race.

Active integration into the region and the world is a major policy pursued by the Vietnamese Communist Party and State for many years now and has produced important achievements.

Vietnamese and foreign correspondents,
Dear Friends,

The task of our foreign policy set out by the IXth Party Congress is