The 20th APEC Industrial Science &Tech. Working Group in Hanoi

Ha Noi, April 25 (VNA) -- (ISTWG) Meeting opened in Ha Noi, today, Apr. 25.

It was attended by about 120 international guests who are department officials and scientists from member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC, forum, and representatives of the APEC Secretariat and regional organizations.

PM Phan Van Khai held state banquet for Thai PM

Ha Noi, April 25 (VNA) -- Viet Nam's Prime Minister Phan Van Khai held a state banquet at the Government's Guest House in Ha Noi this evening in honour of the visiting Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra.

Also present at the function were Deputy PM Pham Gia Khiem, Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, Public Security Minister Le Minh Huong, Trade Minister Vu Khoan and other senior government officials.

Export value in first 4 months

Ha Noi, April 25 (VNA) -- Viet Nam registered an export value of USD 1.31 billion in April, bringing total export earnings in the first four months of this year to more than USD 4.88 billion or a 17.7 percent year-on-year increase, according to the General Statistics Office, GSO.

The country shipped more than 1.13 million tonnes of rice abroad in the January-April period, up 55.4 percent, year-on-year.

FM affirms principles of VN foreign policy

Ha Noi, April 25 (VNA) -- Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien has again described socialist orientation, independence, self-reliance and national identity as basic principles for Viet Nam's foreign policy, which help enhance the national potential and strengths.

Thai Prime Minister's visit will strengthen ties with Vietnam

Ha Noi, April 25 (VNA) -- The first visit to Viet Nam by Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra manifests the Thai Government's new efforts to tighten ties with Viet Nam, says the national daily Nhan Dan today, April 25.

The paper welcomes the Thai Prime Minister's two-day visit which begins today, saying that it will contribute to strengthening bilateral relations both in scale and in depth, thus meeting the two nations' interest.

Exhibition of peaceful applications of atomic energy

Ha Noi, April 25 (VNA) -- An exhibition on peaceful applications of atomic energy was opened today, April 25, in Ha Noi by the Viet Nam Atomic Energy Institute under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and the Japan Atomic Industry Forum.

During the five-day exhibition, workshops and talks will be held between experts in atomic energy, policy planners and the public on applications of atomic energy techniques in the national economy, radiation technology and atomic safety and power.

Raise public awareness of environment in the next 5 years

Ha Noi, April 24 (VNA) -- Viet Nam plans to raise environmental awareness for between 75 and 80 percent of the population and mobilize about 70 percent of them to participate in environment activities in localities in the 2001-2005 period.

To do so, Viet Nam will provide information on the Party and State's environment policies to at least 90 percent of the population from now to 2005.

The targets were set forth at a seminar held in Ha Noi on Apr. 23 on environmental information for the next five years.

FAO's emergency assistance to aquaculture in Mecong Delta

Ha Noi, April 23 (VNA) -- The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has granted USD 413,000 as emergency aid to help poor and vulnerable fish farmers in the flood affected provinces of the Mekong delta.

Beneficiaries are Can Tho (USD 66,000), Dong Thap (USD 123,000) and An Giang (USD 224,000).

Documents to the aid were signed in Ha Noi on April 23 by Deputy Minister of Fisheries Nguyen Viet Thang and FAO representative in Viet Nam Ms Fernanda Guerrieri.

Members of Central Committe of CPV Ninth tenure

Ha Noi, April 23 (VNA) -- Following is the list of 150 members of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Central Committee, Ninth Tenure, elected by the Ninth National Representatives Congress:

1. Nguyen Van An, Director of the Party Central Committee's Organization and Personnel Commission;

2. Le Hong Anh, Deputy Director of the Party Central Committee's Inspection Commission;

3. Le Thi Ban, permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Chairwoman of Provincial People's Council of Tay Ninh province;

Vietnam's Party leader pledges to develop VN-China ties

Ha Noi, April 23 (VNA) -- Freshly-elected Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) General Secretary Nong Duc Manh has affirmed that Viet Nam will try its best to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between Viet Nam and China, while receiving Mr. Hu Jintao, head of the Communist Party of China (CPC) delegation to the ninth CPV congress, in Ha Noi today, April 23.

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