Decision 61 on 25-Apr- 01 on obligation to sell foreign currency


No. 61-2001-QD-TTg, Hanoi, 25 April 2001

The Prime Minister of the Government

Pursuant to the Law on the Organization of the Government dated 30 September 1992;

Pursuant to Decree 05-2001-ND-CP of the Government dated 17 January 2001 on Amendment of and Addition to a Number of Articles of Decree 63-1998-ND-CP of the Government dated 17 August 1998 on foreign exchange control;

PM Phan Van Khai wrapped usp 10-day European tour

Noi, Sept. 28 (VNA) -- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai on Sept. 28 wrapped up his 10-day European tour during which four agreements were signed between Viet Nam and European countries to pave the way for stronger bilateral ties and cooperation.

These include an agreement on investment promotion and protection signed with Iceland; a framework agreement on cooperation, with Luxembourg; an agreement on scientific-technological cooperation, with Belgium; and a framework agreement on cooperation between Viet Nam's Government Office and French-speaking regions of Belgium.

Development plan for key southern economic region

Ho Chi Minh City, Sept. 25 (VNA) -- The key southern economic region covers only 3.8 percent of the country's acreage but has currently contributed 33.2 percent to the country's gross domestic product (GDP).

PM Phan Van Khai takes part in the ASEM-IV

Ha Noi, Sept. 21 (VNA) -- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai will join State and Government leaders of 25 ASEM member countries and the Chairman of the European Commission to attend the fourth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM-IV).

Viet Nam's participation in the ASEM-IV, scheduled for Copenhagen, Denmark, from Sept. 22-24, aims to continue with the open foreign policy of diversification and multilateralisation, speeding the integration in its Asia-Europe cooperation framework.

FM Nguyen Dy Nien's speech at 57th session of UN General Assembly

New York, Sept. 19 (VNA) -- Viet Nam has constantly developed its friendly and cooperative ties with countries in the region and throughout the world as well as international organisations, stressed Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien.

FM Nguyen Dy Nien addressed NAM meeting

New York, Sept. 19 (VNA) -- Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien called for greater unity among the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) members while addressing the NAM meeting held on the sideline of the 57th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Sept. 18.

Vietnam committes to combat drug trafficking

Ha Noi, Sept. 17 (VNA) -- Viet Nam has renewed its commitment to combat drug trafficking, especially the illicit trade of precursors, considering it a new and important task to be jointly undertaken by both the government and people.

The pledge was made by Lt. Gen. Le The Tiem, Deputy Minister of Public Security and member of Viet Nam's National Committee for Drug Control, at a three-day workshop on precursor control in Viet Nam, which opened today, Sept. 17.

On the settlement of Vietnam-China border issue

Ha Noi, Sept. 14 (VNA) -- The shared borderline of 1,350 km between Viet Nam and China has been developing into a border area of peace, friendship and stability.

In recent years, the public has given significant attention to this issue. Deputy Foreign Minister Le Cong Phung has granted a special interview to Viet Nam News Agency on the progress of the settlement of the border issue between Viet Nam and China.

PM Phan Van Khai's tour in Europe

Noi, Sept. 14 (VNA) -- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai will attend the fourth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM-IV) to be held in Compenhagen, Denmark, and then visit three nations and the European Commission (EC) from Sept. 20-27, the Foreign Ministry announced.

PM Khai's official visits to Iceland, Luxembourg, Belgium will be made at the invitations of his counterparts and to the EC as guest of its President.--Enditem

New construction in flood-prone areas in Mekong delta

Ha Noi, Sept. 4 (VNA) -- The Government has approved another grant, this time of 3,200 billion VND (213 million USD), for construction in flood-prone areas in the Mekong Delta.

The Central Steering Board for Flood and Storm Control has reported that Mekong Delta provinces have completed the construction of 124 out of a planned 260 residential clusters, providing 43,500 households in deep-flooded areas with accommodation during the flood season.
