Viet Nam on the way to lower import taxes

Ha Noi, Jan. 13 (VNA) -- As the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) agreement nears, Viet Nam agreed to lower import taxes to beneath 5 percent on 97 percent of goods by 2005.

This means by 2005, Viet Nam will be using a system of tax rates for 10,800 commodities, whereas now there are 6,500 different tax rates in use.

And the Government will wait until July to implement the widespread tax cut on ASEAN imports.

Party Central Committee holds plenum

Ha Noi, Jan. 13 (VNA) -- The Communist Party of Viet Nam Central Committee began its seventh plenum (second phase) in Ha Noi on Monday to discuss ways to enhance national unity strengths for the goal of a strong country, a prosperous people, and an equitable, democratic and civilised society.

Also high on its agenda are debates on issues related to ethnic minority and religious affairs in the new situation as well as the continued renewal of land policies and laws in the process of national industrialisation and modernisation.

Party leader reiterates policy to strengthen ties with China

Ha Noi, Jan. 13 (VNA) -- Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh reiterated the Vietnamese Party and State's consistent policy to attach importance to and strive for development of the traditional friendly and cooperative relations with the Chinese Party, State and people.

The Party leader said so while receiving a visiting delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC), led by Liu Yunshan, Politburo member and Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, in Ha Noi on Monday.

Viet Nam hails Canadian verdict on dumping charge

Ha Noi, Jan. 13 (VNA) -- Viet Nam's foreign ministry spokeswoman has described as correct the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT)'s verdict on the dumping charge against Viet Nam's exporters of water-proof footwear and footwear soles.

"This verdict has denied improper lawsuits filed by the Shoe Manufacturers' Association of Canada (SMAC) last March, and protected the legitimate interests of Vietnamese producers as well as shoe consumers, importers and distributors of Canada," spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh said.

Viet Nam determined to gain GDP growth over 7.5%

Ha Noi, Jan. 7 (VNA) -- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai has affirmed the Government's determination to achieve an economic growth rate of more than 7.5 percent set by the National Assembly in 2003.

Khai made the statement at the opening of a two-day meeting between the Government and 61 cities and provinces' leaders to discuss the implementation of national tasks set for 2003 by the 11th NA's second session.

NY Times: Viet Nam is now tourists's safe heaven

Washington, Jan. 6 (VNA) -- The New York Times on its article published on Jan. 5 emphasised that Viet Nam, which is a poor but orderly country, is becoming a safe haven for tourists.

"Viet Nam is now relying on its relative stability to draw security-conscious foreign tourists," after the fear of the Sept. 11 attacks in the U.S., and the Oct. 12 bombing blast in the Bali resort island in Indonesia, the paper said.

Some statistics on economy in 2002 and projection for 2003

(Source: The Investment Review, December 30, 2002)

GDP growth
2002: 7% (projected 7%-7,3%)
2003: 7%-7,5% year-on-year

Industry growth
2002: 14,5% (projected 14%)
2003: 14%-14,5%

Agriculture-Forestry-Fishery growth
2002: 5,4% (projected 4,2%)
2003: 5%

Services growth
2002: 7% (as projected )
2003: 7%-7,2%

Exports growth
2002: 10% (đạt KH)
2003: 7,5%-8%

Total state budget revenue
2002: 6,5% higher than projected figure
2003: VND 123,700 billion

State President Tran Duc Luong visits Central Highlands province

Ha Noi, Jan. 1 (VNA) -- State President Tran Duc Luong made a three-day visit, ending on Tuesday, to the Central Highlands province of Dac Lac to bring in the new year.

While meeting with provincial leaders, President Luong praised the province's achievements last year and urged them to work harder to make Dac Lac province prosperous economically and strong politically.

State President Tran Duc Luong stresses sustainable growth

Ha Noi, Jan. 2 (VNA)-- President Tran Duc Luong has called for concerted efforts to tap all possible resources for sustainable socio-economic development in a recent interview with the press.

Nearly 7,700 enterprises set up in HCM City

Ho Chi Minh City, Jan. 3 (VNA) -- An additional 7,694 enterprises were established in Ho Chi Minh City in 2002 with a combined registered capital of 12,599 billion VND (839.9 million USD).

The figures showed year-on-year increases of 15 percent in the number of enterprises and 28 percent in capital.
