Vietnam pledges aid package to Afghanistan's reconstruction

Ha Noi, Jan. 23 (VNA) -- The Vietnamese Government has pledged an aid package worth USD 300,000 to Afghanistan's reconstruction.

The aid, including food, medicines, and other essential necessities, was announced by Deputy Foreign Minister, Le Cong Phung, at the ministeral conference for reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan in Tokyo, Japan, on Jan. 21 and 22.

Vietnam expected to be one of leading exporters in Asia in 2002

Ha Noi, Jan. 21 (VNA) -- Viet Nam has been predicted to be one of a group of leading exporters in the Asia region in 2002 by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC).

The group, which also includes India, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan, is expected to obtain export growths ranging from 7 to 8.4 percent.

The Hong Kong-based PERC noted that one positive feature for Asia is that the thrust of government initiatives have been towards greater liberalisation, rather than protectionism, in the face of economic difficulties.

FM Spokeswoman rejected assessment of H.R Watch on Vietnam

On Jan. 18, Foreign Minister Spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh answered question from Radio Voice of Vietnam: Please provide Vietnam's reaction to a report on human rights record in Vietnam in 2001 released by the Human Rights Watch which says that Vietnam suffered some backlash on human rights, especially in freedom of religion.


We reject groundless and untruthful assessments by the Human Rights Watch.

Vietnam gives humanitarian aid to Afghanistan

Ha Noi, Jan.18 (VNA) -- Viet Nam's Government will give USD 300,000 worth of essential goods as humanitarian aid to the Afghan people, said Viet Nam's foreign ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh in a press release issued today, Jan. 18.

Viet Nam will also send a delegation to a ministerial meeting of donor countries to rebuild Afghanistan to be held in Tokyo, Japan, on January 21-22, Ms. Phan Thuy Thanh added.--VNA

Trade Ministry's new regulations on export rewards

Ha Noi, Jan. 16 (VNA) -- The Trade Ministry has issued new regulations on export rewards, to take effect on Jan. 17 this year.

Under the regulations, rewards will be given to a domestically-made product or category of goods which is exported for the first time with an export turnover of more than USD 100,000 a year. For mountainous and island provinces the figure is USD 50,000.

Vietnam and Russia hold talks on Cam Ranh hand over

On Jan. 11, FM Spokeswoman answered question from NHK: According to a statement by Russian Deputy Minister of Defence last year, Russia will start withdrawing its troops from Cam Ranh as from the beginning of this year, which is ahead of the expiry of the treaty between Vietnam and Russia. Please advise how are Vietnam and Russian cooperating in this matter?


Vietnamese agriculturar products meet safety standards- FM said

On Jan. 11, FM Spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh answered question from Quan Doi Nhan Dan: Please comment on a story of the Orange County Register which asserts that "Vietnam uses pesticide in agricultural production which affects Vietnam's agricultural products:?


Such remarks are groundless and of ill-intention.

IT Education Network "Edunet " is under way

Ha Noi, Jan. 13 (VNA) -- An education network, Edunet, will be built at an estimated cost of around USD 445 million under a project just developed by the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET).

The project titled "Developing Human Resources in Information Technology" aims to improve the quality of IT training in universities and schools.

Under the project, around 15,000 people will be trained in IT every year, including 20 Ph.D's and 200 Master's degrees.

External relations of Vietnam in the year of 2001

The following is Foreign Minister NGUYEN DY NIEN's speech on the world situation and external relations of Vietnam in 2001.

Vietnam welcomes interim government in Afghanistan

Ha Noi, Jan. 10 (VNA)-- On Jan. 9, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai extended a message of congratulations to Afghanistan's interim leader Hamid Karzai.

The PM said in his message that the establishment of the interim government in Afghanistan with Hamid Harzai as the leader was an important start of the process for peace, national reconciliation, and reconstruction in Afghanistan.
