US professor opposes HR1587

NB: The Embassy of the S.R. Viet Nam in Washington DC received the following letter from Professor Kenneth J. Herrmann, Jr. With his permission, the Embassy hereby posts the letter in its entirity on our website for public viewing.


05 April 2003

Rep. Henry Hyde, Chairman
U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on International Relations
2110 Rathburn HOB
Washington, DC 205-1306

The facts about Human Rights and religious freedom in Viet Nam

The “Human Rights Act of Viet Nam – 2003” – H.R. 1587, which purports to promote “the US concern about human rights in Viet Nam” is a unilateral approach to an issue very sensitive to the relationship between Viet Nam and the United States for the people of each country have suffered greatly in the past war.

1) We would like to share our understanding of the importance of human rights as a principle.

Viet Nam upholds its religious freedoms

(Viet Nam News, April 4, 2003)

By Minh Chau

Freedom to practise a religion of choice remains an indispens-able human right.

Viet Nam is a country with many faiths, where believers of more than 10 religions live together peacefully under the same roof.

The country boasts more than 24 million religious people, or nearly one-third of the population.

The six major religions are Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Cao Dai and Hoa Hao.

Religious beliefs honoured

PM attributes renovation success to entire nation

HA NOI — Viet Nam’s achievements through the doi moi process, under the Party’s leadership, could be attributed to contributions by the entire nation, among them clergy and followers of various religions, including Buddhism, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai told Most Venerable Thich Huyen Quang on Wednesday.

During talks with the monk at the Prime Minister’s Office in Ha Noi, Khai briefed the latter of the Party and State’s policies which respect citizens’ rights to freedom of religion.

Vietnam striving to prevent SARS from reentering

(, April 4, 2003)

Vietnam aims to prevent the disease severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from reentering the country from abroad, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh has said.

The spread of SARS around the world has been complicated, the Foreign Minister spokeswoman emphasised at a press briefing in Hanoi on April 3.

Vietnam considers humanitarian aid to Iraq

Vietnam may join in international efforts to offer humanitarian aid to Iraq, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Phan Thuy Thanh said on April 3.

She said Vietnam has been following the developments in Iraq with great concern. The people of Vietnam and Iraq have a traditional relationship, she said, and the Vietnamese people are profoundly sympathetic to the sufferings and losses of the war which are causing to the Iraqi people.

Viet Nam strives to prevent SARS from reentering the country

Ha Noi, Apr. 3 (VNA) - Viet Nam aims to prevent the disease severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from reentering the country from abroad, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh has said.

The spread of SARS around the world has been complicated, the FM spokeswoman emphasised at a press briefing in Ha Noi on Thursday.

Viet Nam protests U.S. report on human rights

Ha Noi, Apr. 3 (VNA) - Viet Nam flatly rejects allegations by the U.S. Department of State in the latter's 2002 report on human rights around the world, said a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry.

The spokeswoman, Phan Thuy Thanh, in response to a question by Vietnam News Agency, described the report as "blatant interference in Viet Nam's internal affairs."

She said "the U.S. authorities are not eligible to speak about human rights to criticize the human rights situation in other countries, particularly in light of the current situation."

Prime minister meets Most Venerable Thich Huyen Quang

( - April 3, 2003)

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai on April 2 received Most Venerable Thich Huyen Quang, who had expressed his wish to meet with the government leader.

The Most Venerable has been in Hanoi for medical treatment. His health has recovered with the assistance of medical doctors and professors.

Prime Minister Khai said he was delighted to see the Most Venerable's health recovery after the treatment.

Killer bug claims no new victims for 8 days: WHO

HA NOI (April 3, 2003) — No new cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome have been identified in Viet Nam for eight consecutive days, according to the latest report from the World Health Organisation.

The WHO report suggested that the outbreak of the fatal disease is now well under control in Viet Nam, despite its swift spread elsewhere in Asia.

The Ministry of Health has stated that the number of patients infected by atypical pneumonia was down to seven, and 26 have been discharged from hospitals.
