Information technology development in Vietnam

Exact from writing of Mr.CHU HAO
Deputy Minister
of Science, Technology and Environment

Children's health has been improved over the past 15 years

Ha Noi, Nov. 7 (VNA) -- Children's health has been improved over the past 15 years with malnutrition dropping to 33.13 percent this year, down from 39.8 percent in 1985 and the mortality rate among children under five reducing by half in that time frame.

The figures were reported at the 17th national pediatric conference held in Ha Noi on Nov. 6.

Viet Nam's insurance market is of great potential

Ha Noi, Nov. 7 (VNA)-- Viet Nam's insurance market is of great potential and promising, says the President of French Insurance Group (AGF).

Antoine Jeancourt Galignani tells the Viet Nam Economic Times that the joint venture in non-life insurances between his company and the Allianz Company of Germany - the Allianz-AGF Viet Nam - has won more than 130 contracts with a gross turnover of USD 3 million in the first year of operation in 2000, a little higher than expected.

Vietnam hopes for closer cooperation with India

Ha Noi, Nov. 7 (VNA) -- Vietnamese leaders have expressed their hope for further development of the cooperation between Viet Nam and India in economics, science-technology, trade and education.

Vietnam supports cooperation with IAEA

Nov. 7 (VNA) -- Hoang Chi Trung, Counsellor of Viet Nam's Permament Representation at the United Nations on Nov. 6 expressed Viet Nam's support for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its control and monitoring of the implementation of agreements on the safe use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes in member countries in line with IAEA's safety standards.

Scientists'training in Vietnam-Russia cooperation

Ha Noi, Nov. 6 (VNA) -- Viet Nam wished to boost scientific cooperation with Russia, particularly in personnel training, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem told visiting Russian Vice Minister of Industry, Science and Technology V.A.KniaZhev in Ha Noi today, Nov. 6.

The Deputy PM also appreciated the activities carried out by the two countries' scientific and technical cooperation committee, particularly in the transfer of studies on new materials, bio-technology, physio-technology, and mechanical engineering to Viet Nam.

Vietnam and Thailan boost tourism cooperation

Ha Noi, Nov. 6 (VNA) -- Minutes of a session to discuss measures to boost Viet Nam-Thailand tourism cooperation were signed in Ha Noi on Nov. 5 by the General Director of the Viet Nam Tourism Administration (VTA) and the President of the Tourism Administration of Thailand (TAT) Adisai Bodharamik.

The signing followed the talks between VTA General Director Vo Thi Thang and TAT President Adisai Bodharamik who was on a working visit to Viet Nam.

Vietnam and India Foreign Ministers hold talks

Ha Noi, Nov. 6(VNA) -- Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien held talks in Ha Noi this afternoon, Nov. 6, with his Indian counterpart, Jaswant Singh, who arrived in Ha Noi earlier the day for an official visit made at the invitation of FM Nien.

The two FMs briefed each other of the situation in each country and discussed orientations and measures to boost the two countries' cooperation as well as regional and international issues of mutual concern.

1 million new jobs in 10 months of 2000

Ha Noi, Nov. 6, (VNA) -- One million workhands have been provided with jobs so far this year, a year-on-year increase of 100,000 people.

The National Employment Promotion Fund alone has helped generate 250,000 jobs through provision of VND 580 billion (USD 40 million) in loans to labour-intensive projects.

Overseas labour markets have shown signs of healthy recovery, receiving 22,000 Vietnamese guest workers in the first ten months of the year. Additional 8,000 others are expected to go abroad in the remaining two months.

Vietnam poverty classification levels adjusted

Ha Noi, Nov. 5 (VNA) -- The Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) has announced adjustments to poverty classification levels for next year.

The levels will be increased by 1.5 times as from Jan. 1, 2001, under which households in mountainous and island areas with per-head monthly incomes lower than VND 80,000 (USD 5.7) will be classified as poor. The levels will be set at VND 100,000 (USD 7.1) for households in rural areas and VND 150,000 (USD 10.7) in urban areas.
