Vietnam continues WTO talks with U.S., Japan

This month, Vietnam will continue its talks with the U.S. and Japan on entering the World Trade Organization (WTO) in a bid to become a WTO member by its target date of late 2005.
Vietnam and the U.S. will proceed with negotiations about the former’s WTO entry efforts in Washington D.C. March 14 to 16, according to Vietnam Ministry of Trade.

High on the agenda will likely be Vietnam’s taxation system and its opening up of markets in the telecommunications, banking and financial service sectors. The U.S. had demanded Vietnam clarify some issues by the end of February.

Rural women blaze trail to prosperity

BAC GIANG – Overcoming poverty and challenges posed by life, the women from a rural commune of Bac Giang northern province have laboured to prosper from family farming.

A case in point is Nguyen Thi Nhien, 43, from Tu Mai Commune of Yen Dung District, who now owns a modern house with all amenities, and has her two children studying in universities.

Programme preserves Cham language

HA NOI — The southern province of Ninh Thuan, home to half of the ethnic Cham population, has announced a plan to strengthen the Cham language teaching staff of schools in the Cham communities.

Over the past 20 years, the Cham language teaching programme has contributed to the preservation of the ethnic minority group’s language and has created a foundation to research the culture, said director of the provincial Education and Training Service, Pham Hong Cuong.

Financial Times: Vietnam More Than a Tourism Alternative

After the tsunamis wreaked havoc on beach resorts in the region, Vietnam’s Victoria Phan Thiet resort received urgent calls from European tour operators looking for alternative destinations.

Gilles Poggi, general manager of the Victoria, who had lost a close former colleague when the giant waves hit Thailand, was taken aback. "Everyone was shocked at this terrible tragedy," he said. "But the show must go on. These were travel industry professionals. People had their trips cancelled and had to be offered an alternative."

Tommy Tang: "Pho

Renowned US personality and Chef Tommy Tang came to Vietnam to shoot part of his hit TV series Let’s Get Cooking with Tommy Tang. Thanh Nien interviewed him to get his side of the story.

Hi! You must be exhausted after a long journey.

Exhausted? Never! (laugh) Since I came to Vietnam, I did not have one day off. I hope that I can relax in Ho Chi Minh City.

What did you do during your trip to the North Vietnam?

Tourism Industry Targets 3.2 Million Foreign Visitors in 2005

In 2005, national tourism industry sets the target of receiving 3.2 million foreign tourists and 15 million domestic tourists and with the revenue of VND 30 trillion. To this end, tourism industry has get prepared for all tourist activities on the basis of the past achievements.

Dollar-Friendly Destinations: Vietnam

BusinessWeek, FEBRUARY 28, 2005

Internatioinal Support for Agent Orange Victims Grows

Radio Voice of Vietnam, March 1, 2005

*** No decision has been made at the first hearing of the lawsuit filed by the Vietnamese Agent Orange (AO) victims against 37 US chemical companies which produced and supplied toxic chemicals for US troops to spray in Vietnam during the war between 1961 and 1971.

Vietnam’s exports expected to rise 15% this year

Vietnam's exports in the first three months of the year will reach an estimated US$6.9 billion, up 15 per cent year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Trade.

Foreign-invested companies earned the most, with export sales totaling US$3.52 billion while locally-owned enterprises gained US$3.38 billion in export sales.

According to the ministry, the country can certainly achieve its targeted export revenue of US$31.5 billion for this year.

Robust growth

Govt congratulates Ha Noi Archbishop on appointment

HA NOI (22-02-2005) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has greeted the new Archbishop of Ha Noi, Bishop Ngo Quang Kiet.

Speaking yesterday to correspondents about the Vatican’s appointment, the ministry spokesman Le Dung said, "we would like to congratulate Bishop Ngo Quang Kiet on being appointed Archbishop of Ha Noi."

"This promotion was made in line with an agreement between the Vietnamese Government and the Vatican," he said replying to a question if the appointment had received the Government’s nod. — VNS
