Vietnamese leaders welcome US Senators

Vietnam considers the US as one of its leading partners and wants to bring the two countries’ relations to a new height

Ministers receive US Senate delegation

Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh on Jan. 19 hosted receptions in Hanoi for a visiting US delegation led by Senator John McCain.

Vietnam officially joined the The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves

On December 29, 2011, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son, on behalf of the Government of Vietnam, has sent the letter indicating the country's intention to join the The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, making Vietnam as the newest implemeting partner of the Alliance. This decision was a response to the invitation by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton extended to Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Vietnam Pham Gia Khiem at the Ministerial Meeting of the Lower Mekong Itiative (LMI) held in July 2011, in Bali, Indonesia,

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung received visiting member of US House of Representatives Robert Filner in Hanoi on Jan. 11.

(VNA) Dung hailed Robert Filner’s efforts in supporting Agent Orange victims as well as his close cooperation with Vietnamese associates in dealing with AO/dioxin consequences.

The PM also highly valued Filner and his colleagues’ endeavours to bring the issue of AO/dioxin to hearings at the US House of Representatives and Senate, thus helping the US Congress, government and people understand more about the impacts and consequences of AO/dioxin in Vietnam .

VN replies on Bui Thi Minh Hang’s case

(VNA) A decision to send Bui Thi Minh Hang to the Thanh Ha Education Centre in northern Vinh Phuc province for 24 months is in line with Vietnamese law.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Luong Thanh Nghi made the statement on Jan. 6 while answering reporters’ question on Vietnam ’s response to criticisms against this decision.

In Vietnam, no one is arrested for expressing opinions, Nghi said, adding that Hanoi authorities reported that Hang had caused public disorder many times./.

Prime Minister Dung's New Year message

(VNA) Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has sent a New Year message emphasising the central tasks of 2012, which focuses on economic restructuring, growth model renovation, fast and sustainable development.

The following is the full text of the message, according to the government website.


Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung received US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns

(VNA) Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung received US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns in Hanoi on Dec. 13.

At the reception for the US Deputy Secretary of State, PM Dung spoke highly of positive developments of the Vietnam-US relationship in all fields, ranging from politics, economics, trade, investment, science and technology to education and training, environment, climate change and humanitarian.

The two countries have stepped up cooperation at multilateral forums, helping maintain peace, stability and cooperation in the region and the world, he said.

Diplomatic sector urged to deepen relations

(VNA) The diplomatic sector should continue to deepen relations and effectively tap the strengths of traditional partners on an equal and mutually beneficiary basis, creating favourable conditions for national construction and defence.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made the request while attending a session on international integration and external economic tasks in Hanoi on Dec. 14 as part of the 27 th Diplomatic Conference from Dec. 12-19.

VN diplomats begin important discussions

(VNA) Diplomats are gathering in Hanoi for the 27th diplomatic conference to discuss ways to assist the country's development.

Speaking on the opening day of the conference on Dec. 12, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed the important role of the diplomatic sector and highlighted its past achievements, particularly in expanding relations, including with powerful countries.

VN pledges improved conditions for US business

(VNA) The Vietnamese Government will improve investment environment and create favourable conditions for foreign businesses, including those from the US, to operate in the country while strictly implementing commitments reached by the two sides.

The pledge was made by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung at a reception in Hanoi on Dec. 8 for a delegation of US businesses in Vietnam and guests who had engaged in the negotiations of the Vietnam-US Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA), on the occasion of the 10 th anniversary of the signing.
