Ethnic minorities benefit from Gov't program

Ha Noi, June 24 (VNA)-- Special Government funding over the past three years has made almost all of the poorest 2,325 remote mountainous communities, home to a number of tribes, accessible to primary education and healthcare.

The move, widely known as Programme 135, has helped build 8,823 community projects for the target population, including 3,044 projects to upgrade the local traffic network, 1,674 irrigation projects and 2,502 educational projects. As well the project built local medical stations, and rural safe water and electricity supply facilities.

Moody's positive rating outlook to Vietnam

New York, June 19 (VNA) -- The world's leading credit rating agency, Moody's, has changed the outlook from stable to positive for Viet Nam's B1 foreign currency country ceiling for bonds and notes, as well as the B3 foreign currency country ceiling for bank deposits.

The U.S-based agency said the rating change is resulted from an improved external payments position, political and economic stability, and a credible commitment by the Vietnamese government to advance structural reforms beyond a point that was previously considered politically acceptable.

New decision on encouraging overseas Vietnamese remittances

Ha Noi, June 19 (VNA) -- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai has signed Decision No. 78/2002/QD-TTg to amend and supplement Decision No. 170/1999/QD-TTg dated August 19, 1999 on encouraging overseas Vietnamese to transfer money back to the country.

Role of press in national construction and development

Ha Noi, June 20 (VNA) -- The revolutionary press of Viet Nam has developed quantitatively and qualitatively over its 77-year development course.

It has been serving as a vanguard force in the cultural and ideological front and a reliable mainstay of the Party and the people.

The Fitch gave Vietnam positive ratings

Ha Noi, June 14 (VNA) -- The international rating agency, Fitch Ratings, on Wednesday assigned foreign and local currency long-term debt ratings of "BB-"(BB minus) and "BB", respectively, to Viet Nam. The outlook of these ratings was positive.

The agency also assigned short-term foreign currency rating of "B" to the country, it said in its June 12 statement.

Fitch Ratings is the second international rating agency to assign positive ratings to Viet Nam.

Primary health care to all people

Ha Noi, June 15 (VNA) -- With a current contingent of medical workers at the grassroots level, Viet Nam basically has adequate conditions to give primary health care services to the people, said Public Health Minister Do Nguyen Phuong.

Minister Phuong said that Viet Nam now has infirmaries in 93.37 percent of the communes and wards nationwide, and medical workers in 74 percent of the villages and hamlets. More than 52 percent of the country's communal medical stations have doctors, he added.

Statement of FM Spokeswoman on Khmer compatriots in Nam Bo

The Khmer compatriots in Nam Bo are an indivisible part of the community of 54 brotherly ethnic groups co-residing in Vietnam.

For hundreds of years, Nam Bo has been a sacred territorial part of Vietnam. The Khmer compatriots residing in the Nam Bo are an indivisible part of the community of 54 ethnic groups co-residing on Vietnamese land.

Vietnamese sofware company wins contract from U.S company

Ho Chi Minh City, June 4 (VNA) -- Vietnamese software company TMA Solutions has won an outsourcing contract from U.S. technology company Critical Path.

The TMA will be working on Critical Path's communication platform software that is sold to Internet Service Providers, telecos, wireless carriers and postal authorities in the U.S. and Europe.

Private sector increases investment

Ha Noi, June 4 (VNA) -- The private sector invested almost VND 19,000 billion (USD 1.26 billion) in business during the first five months of this year, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

The figure has brought the total private sector investment capital to VND 60,000 billion (USD 4 billion) since the implementation of the Enterprise Law in 2000. This investment has been poured mainly into industrial production and the processing of goods for export.

Standard&Poor's credit ratings is an achievement for Vietnam

Ministry of Finance answered question from Reuters correspondent: Could I ask your assistance in obtaining comment from the Finance Ministry on Standard & Poor's assignment of credit ratings for Vietnam and ask what implications this has for Vietnam's plans to issue bonds overseas. Given this rating, does the ministry plan to go ahead with plans to issue bonds internationally this year?


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