US, Vietnam Experts Join Agent Orange Remediation Workshop

The US Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) would sponsor a workshop in Hanoi August 16-18 on destruction techniques for dioxins and chemicals associated with Agent Orange, the US Embassy announced Monday.

The remediation workshop aimed to share scientific and engineering experiences gained from environmental and engineering studies conducted in the United States at former herbicide orange storage and/or loading sites, the embassy said in a press release.

Besides, the workshop would open a dialogue with Vietnamese scientists and engineers on how to evaluate the present status of former herbicide storage sites, the press release said.

It would also aim to seek ways to determine the most appropriate use of soil stabilization actions and/or applications of available remediation technologies, according to the statement.

Participants from Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense, the Military Medical University, the Vietnam Institute for Science and Technology, and the 33rd Office (the US Government's office in directing the dioxin study and decontamination) would attend the workshop, the embassy said.

(Reported by Doan Nhat – Translated by The Vinh)
Story from Thanh Nien News
Published: 15 August, 2005, 21:21:32 (GMT+7)
Copyright Thanh Nien News