Tourism Agency to Launch Trans-Central Highlands Tour

A tour of five Central Highland provinces programme will be launched by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) to attract a large number of international and domestic tourists. du_lich_voi.jpg

VND 400 Bln For Schools in Central Highlands

The Government has invested VND400 billion (US$25 million) in the building and upgrade of schools in the Central Highlands with the aim of universalizing general education in the region's five provinces.

More than 3,400 classrooms have already been built, including facilities 39 boarding schools.

By the end of 2005, 35 percent of communes in the Central Highlands had achieved universalisation of junior secondary education.

Party Leader Urges Fight Against Corruption

The Party should lead in the fight against corruption and waste, mobilising the entire political system and making the public a firm foundation. images961629_nongducmanh.jpg

Law on Securities, the Law on Lawyers, and the Law on Legal Assistance signed

The Presidential Office on July 19 introduced the Law on Securities, the Law on Lawyers, and the Law on Legal Assistance, approved by the National Assembly in June 2006.

All the three new laws will take effect in January, 2007.The Law on Securities, which consists of 11 chapters and 136 articles, is expected to provide a foundation for the stable and rapid development of Viet Nam's stock exchange and to protect investors' rights.

Vietnam Steps up Fight against Human Trafficking.

Vietnam Communist Youth Unions Secretariat dispatched letters to its affiliate offices across the country Thursday, urging them to mobilize people against human trafficking, especially on women and children.

The central agency suggested that provincial youth union offices actively coordinate with local  women's societies in providing information on human traffic laws to educate them of the dangers.

Vietnam-US Religious Dialogue Yield Continued Progress

The Washington Times in its July 19 edition published an article by Thomas Jandl, entitled "Religious rights in Vietnam: Dialogue and engagement yield continued progress," with a focus on Vietnam's religious situation relating to the US’ consideration of granting permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) status to Vietnam.

Northern Catholics Solidarity Committee Boosts Operation Effectiveness

Municipal and provincial sub-committees for solidarity of Catholics need concrete and uniform instructions as well as favourable conditions to effectively boost patriotic movements among the Catholics.

The proposal was submitted by representatives of municipal and provincial Catholics in the north at their first conference in Hanoi on July 19.

13th Round of Multilateral Negotiation on Vietnam’s WTO Membership Kicks Off

On July 19, at the WTO in Geneva, Switzerland headquarter, the 13th multi-lateral negotiation on Vietnam’s WTO membership officially kicked off. This is considered an important negotiation for preparation work for Vietnam’s WTO membership. WTO_Vietnam_024_06.jpg

Vietnam's e-Governance Rating Goes up

With an index of 0.364, Vietnam jumped seven steps to rank 105 in terms of e-governance performance, according to the latest United Nations study analyzing the current status of e-government in the world. websiteCP_1.JPG
The 2005 report by the UN Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN) rated the Southeast Asian country the 112th position among 191 countries worldwide.

PM lauds, charts course for Central Highland economic reforms

The Prime Minister of Vietnam Sunday praised the considerable success of economic development in the Central Highlands, and charted the course for the next five years to elevate development even further.congchieng_088_0.gif
